Wednesday 7 August 2013


It's good news week.

One of my many guilty pleasures when visiting a typical fête is to check out the homemade cake stall. The homemade cakes invariably have a dollop more cream, or an extra thick layer of icing, or maybe one more spoon of fruit for luck than the soulless cakes you find in the shops.

Of course the reason for this is that cakes made for shop sale are regulated and subject to stringent quality and hygiene control so they contain the minimum ingredients that the price dictates.

No such limits on the home-made variety until the bureaucrats started to interfere. Suddenly kids were banned from selling their Mum's cupcakes to classmates for charity because Mum didn't have a food hygiene certificate and doubts were raised about the 'legality' of selling cakes at the local fête.

Relax. Chill. All is well. The FSA (Food Standards Agency) has clarified the issue. It states that 'There is no rule banning the sale of homemade cakes at school fêtes or other Community events'. 

Crumbs. Who'd have thought they had common sense? You can have your cake, and eat it with a cherry on the top.

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